The Oxford University Press USA Dissertation Prize in International History

The Oxford University Press USA Dissertation Prize in International History recognizes the best dissertation writing by a rising historian who has completed a research project defined as international history. The Prize of $1,000 is awarded biannually (in even years) to the author of a dissertation, completed during the previous two calendar years. For a dissertation to qualify, the research must be multinational in framing and scope, and there will be a preference for works that have a multilingual source base. In endowing this prize, Oxford University Press hopes to recognize the stellar work of junior scholars and to highlight works that have not been the focus of area studies and other regional and national approaches. Winners will be invited to submit the resulting manuscript to Oxford University Press USA for a formal reading for possible publication. The authors must be members of SHAFR at the time of submission. The Prize is announced at the annual SHAFR conference (even years).

Applicants are encouraged to review carefully the criteria for both the Betty M. Unterberger and Oxford University Press dissertation prizes, as they are offered in nonconsecutive years and have different requirements. Individuals who submit their dissertation for one award and do not receive it may submit it for the other if their work meets the criteria.

Procedures: A dissertation completed in 2024 or 2025 may be submitted for consideration for the 2024 prize by the author or by the author's advisor.  Submit an electronic copy of the dissertation, no later than February 1, 2026, to: 

The Oxford University Press USA Dissertation Prize in International History Recent Winners:

  • 2024 Taylor Zajicek
  • 2022 Thomas Mead Jamison
  • 2020 Cindy Ewing
  • 2018 Fritz Bartel
  • 2016 Seth Anziska
  • 2014 Tore C. Olsson
  • 2012 Toshihiro Higuchi, Georgetown University
  • 2010 Paul Chamberlin, Ohio State University